Good Design is timeless. It takes consideration of all that might influence a design decision to result in a refinement and humility that is recognisable by all. Good design in historic places is deferential to and respectful of the existing setting. It may be beneficial to make new addition identifiable from the existing historic setting but always quietly so that the overall material quality and form is not affected negatively.
Good design and the potential of our city. Image of Bruges
Design in historic places must always ask is any addition necessary where the conclusion may be no. It may also consider the removal of fabric to reveal historic material but only when the item to be removed is studied and the benefit is quantified. Restraint and humility is needed when designing in an historic landscape and this must be combined with a knowledge of the material and formal quality of the space. Design in the historic environment must treat the existing materials as antiquities and with the greatest of respect..
Newport Street Gallery Caruso St.John
New design is only required to facilitate the needs and uses of modern life and repair and maintenance may be appropriate over new development. Design in the historic environment is a specialist art and the result of intervention can be judged as a science and is not subjective. Good and bad design in the historic setting can be identified and quantified and recognised easily.
Alvaro Siza I