Save Cork City

Object to the Walls Scheme

Email Cork City Council to voice your concerns on starting the Walls Scheme. State the benefits of a Tidal Barrier and call for an independent review of the Walls Scheme asking how safe are the different approaches, how would each affect the local economy, is groundwater change an issue for OPW, can the Walls scheme even be predicted to work, can a tidal barrier protect more people for less cost?

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Save Cork City

The Tidal Barrier

We propose a tidal barrier at Tivoli or at Little Island to work with the existing dams to protect more of Cork City for less. A tidal barrier would protect more of the city including Docklands and create new opportunity for the local economy greatly facilitating Dockland development and the care of the historic centre.

See Our Proposals
Save Cork City

Cost Report

There is no doubt that a barrier could be built at the proposed locations of Little Island or Tivoli. The tidal barrier scheme has the major benefit of not requiring the construction of walls along the quays in the city and protecting far more people and invesments.

Download Report

Oireachtas Committee

We have presented to an Oireachtas Committee on Heritage.

Read statement